Resources on Senior Health (01)
Disaster Preparedness for Seniors
Nobody ever wants to prepare for a disaster, but it’s smart to do so. Especially for seniors, who may have impaired response times and resources. Disasters such as tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes present challenges for older adults, their caregivers and their families. That’s why aging adults need to have the same disaster response kit as everyone else. The University of Florida provides a link to the Red Cross website that has useful tips for compiling a disaster kit for senior citizens. Seniors will want to make sure they make an emergency information list, a medical information list, a list of doctors, a disability supply list, style and serial numbers of medical device list and emergency document list. It’s better to stay on the side of caution, no matter what age you are.
Aging Athletes: Staying Active as an Elderly Citizen
Fearing an injury is a viable concern for active elders. This is a great article to read that explains the importance of warming up and taking care of your body during a workout or activity. Many aging athletes are rightfully so worried that playing sports will make their arthritis worse. But this natural condition won’t be worsened by moderate exercise. In fact, some studies show that exercise reduces pain in arthritis sufferers. The site reports that the most common sports injuries are ankle sprains, shoulder and rotator cuff problems, shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, pain in the front of the knee, elbow problems and low back pain.
Young at Heart: Tips for Aging Adults
Healthy eating is so important for aging adults and senior citizens, as is weight control for seniors. That’s why this site has so much useful information to help seniors make sure they’re eating right and doing enough physical activity to keep their body strong. Topics include talking to your doctor about healthy senior eating, tips for healthy eating, maintaining a healthy weight, tips for safe physical activity, getting active for seniors, and more. There is a list of books for seniors to read about senior health and much, much more.
Helping Chiropractors Talk About the Back
This web site is an excellent source of information on chiropractic for you because it serves as a resource for chiropractors and back pain specialists looking for educational and resource material for patients as well as prospective clients. Visitors to BackTalkSystems.com can order customized office giveaway calendars, pamphlets, brochures, books, and demonstration tools. The site includes video and audio links, information on upcoming continuing education seminars, and even material geared toward your youngest patients, to make their chiropractic experience a positive one. For non-professionals, the site has a chiropractor locator so that you can find a qualified individual close to you that can support your back pain needs.
Senior Health: FDA Information
This is the section of the Food and Drug Administration’s website directed to seniors, covering a wide range of health issues, including arthritis, cancer, health fraud and nutrition. The site also offers information about FDA-regulated products for older adults, their families and their caregivers. Elsewhere on the site you can find issues of the FDA's publication Maturity Health Matters, which covers topics such as joint replacement, portable defibrillators, blood glucose meters, colorectal cancer, diabetes, heart disease, the flu, senior health, nutrition for seniors, Parkinson’s disease and more. Information on popular FDA recalls is included, which is vital for seniors who take medicines. You can subscribe to their newsletter, which will keep you posted on the latest medical advancements and FDA regulations and recalls for medications.